There are an estimated 7 million safes in the UK alone with 300,000 new safes being sold each year.
In the US, the market is 5 times as big and it’s growing Worldwide with a CAGR of 4.3%. Worldwide, this is a £4 Billion industry. Triforce have developed a product that addresses this problem, that will detect If a safe is being attacked or moved and communicate it’s precise location directly to a smartphone app. It’s called the SafeGuardian,
Digital Solution
Located inside the safe it is safe from attack during the burglary and has a range of features in the pipeline, including audio & video recording and live GPS transmission of it’s location enabling law enforcement to arrest the thieves and recover the safe and it’s contents intact.
With three installation options, the entire market is available for penetration. Safe manufacturers are engaged in the design and will be able to build SafeGuardian into new safes on every continent. A retrofit option is available with a digital keypad replacement and an option to upgrade a safe without changing the locks.
This is a substantial market, worth approximately £5 billion in it’s own right and SafeGuardian will be the first to market, setting the standards and prime for a multi million pounds industry buyout in 2026. Retrofitting will be provided to the industry as a complete solution.